The review of the financial condition and internal control has an integrated dynamic, providing a permanent advisory, not limiting ourselves to a general review and then give an opinion, but also work together with the organization, assisting in every moment of the review, providing added value to the accounting and administrative processes, thus generating a strong differentiator in the market and a great value to our work.
In that respect, we have developed a work with a focus into the structure of the organization, with specialized professionals in various fields, because we want to develop an audit with a integral view, with a close relationship and high involvement of our partner and professional and executives of our clients, providing support and value each of our actions, and so allow us to understand their interests and expectations, give adequate response to, and ultimately help preserve the business and achieve their full potential.
Our experience has shown us how important it is to build trust relationships long term, and as mentioned earlier, our main asset is the trust our customers have placed in us and upon it build our professional relationships. Our principles and values are based on doing the right thing. We have a track record of over 20 years working with all types of clients and always with the intention and commitment to help in all your projects and provide ideas and solutions that add value.
• International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS” or “IFRS”): Since these rules are constantly changing and revision, it is highly necessary to stay current and have a strong technical partner to support the resolution of questions that affect business and regulatory compliance requirements. Thus Auditores Consultores shares this concern and includes professionals who can provide strong support for internal processes carried on these solutions.
• Tax Consultancy in the process: Permanent advisory on tax and regulatory issues, through a permanent support, clarifying a number of questions of tax nature affecting the business.
• Internal Control Assessment: Review of all relevant processes that support the financial statements of the Company. In this respect we can include the preparation of risk maps in order to focus on those major risks to senior management, greater efficiency in the audit and suggest recommendations that we consider relevant.
• Review critical processes: Production, investment, financial instruments, remuneration, and determination of Provisions for credit risk, etc. Our recommendations will not only be in the sense of strengthening existing Controls but also from the perspective of improving the efficiency of the processes evaluated. Also, considering the current situation of the industry, we will give special emphasis to meet regulatory compliance and control in companies topics.